Relay exchange, spectator areas and aid station location.

The Start Line​
- End of Boardwalk
- Beach at Grand Hotel
- Relay Exchange Point
- 8.2 Mile route is optional (head South at start, turnaround at the break wall)
- For a shorter option, head North at start (7 mile route, 2.75mi to first relay exchange)

British Landing
- The ONLY easily accessible RESTROOMS
- Relay Exchange Point
- 3.75 Miles on swim route
- 2.75 Miles on path from start line
This location will be soon before swimmers make the turn around the north end of the island. Which, depending on the weather/current, could mean things get a lot easier... or... a lot harder.

The East Side
- Relay Exchange Point
- Mile 6 on swim route (mile 5 from start line)
- Long straight aways
- Great spot to spectate
Swimmers be aware of larger rocks along the shoreline. Backstroke may not be wise in some of these locations.
Arch Rock​
- Home stretch, 1 mile to go
- Great place for a picture
- Restrooms are available here, if you want to climb 207 stairs.

The Finish Line
- Finish at Mission Point Resort
- Want that full 8.2? Make sure to swim to the break wall and turn at the buoy
Get your medal and your meal!
A note on relay exchanges

Relay Exchange Chart​
- How to use: Swimmer A pick a row that denotes where you will start. Use the column to decide where you will meet swimmer B. The intersection is the distance you will swim.
- Highlighted part indicates all segments in order
How to do your relay exchange.​
1) Exchange your race chip/bib as if it is a relay baton. The swimmer who is in the water should always have the chip.
2) A staff member/volunteer will record your relay exchange to keep our event staff aware of your last exchange location.